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With our Workplace Consultancy we advise organizations on creating the ideal workspace. We look at how many people work at a company and what they do exactly. How does an office space optimally support these processes, and what are the trends in the field of work?

We analyze the organization’s work processes through interviews, surveys, and workshops. This provides us with a detailed understanding of your needs and allows us to give comprehensive advice on both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the office space.

Additionally, we offer Building Consultancy specifically focused on office buildings. With this service, we primarily serve property owners and other real estate professionals to achieve optimal positioning of the building. With our Building Consultancy software, we analyze buildings for current and future use. We provide advice on optimal layouts and efficient use of space.

As a property owner, you position your building competitively in the market with this service. You quickly provide all relevant information to interested tenants with this. This way, they immediately have a complete picture and are able to make a well-informed decision to choose your building. A smooth customer journey as part of your proposition, then. Resulting in great trust in the process, high transparency, and quick decision-making.

Our workplace consulting services are the first step in the Office Lifecycle. The earlier we get involved in a project, the better we can advise. Workplace Consultancy and Building Consultancy are two separate services, but they also form a powerful combination. Together, they provide an even more complete picture of what an organization needs and which building best suits those needs.

By first mapping out the organization’s needs with Workplace Consultancy and then selecting the ideal building with Building Consultancy, we ensure an optimal match between the organization and the workspace.

At Ditt Officemakers, we are now convinced that the traditional approach to selecting an office space falls short. Besides location and rental price, it is essential to consider whether the building is suitable for the organization and what the actual costs of establishing there are. By utilizing our consultancy services, we help organizations and property owners make the right choices and achieve an optimal working environment.

Learn more about the Office Lifecycle

Want to know more? Get in touch with us!

Want to know more? Call us at 020 – 5753078 (Amsterdam) or 0546 – 633000 (Almelo). Of course, you can also email us at, or fill out our contact form.

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