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We approach Building Consultancy thoroughly. We start with a comprehensive assessment of the building. We analyze the physical space and then create a ‘digital twin’, an accurate digital model that allows us to understand the building down to the technical details. This technology is a game changer: it enables a detailed evaluation of how the building performs and how it meets the needs of future tenants. Using this ‘digital twin’, we can calculate, for example, how many people can work comfortably in the space. And we look at how to best arrange the physical space. With a focus on an efficient and innovative work environment, but above all, on the well-being of future users. Because we value people the most. We also carefully examine how to optimally align the existing architectural layout and technical facilities. Thanks to this approach, we can propose a layout that fits the structure and possibilities of the building and meets the current market demand.

With Building Consultancy from Ditt. Officemakers positions your property strongly in the market. And we are also able to respond quickly to inquiries from potential tenants – from layout visualizations to detailed cost estimates – thanks to our database containing all knowledge and expertise about the building. By preparing thoroughly, we anticipate future questions. This allows you to position your property in the market with a clear and comprehensive proposition. It’s no longer just about location and rent, but also about the costs of establishing yourself as a tenant. We map out that entire process. This simplifies the customer journey and makes the rental process smoother.

With our own software, we take a 360-degree view of the building. We ensure that everything aligns, both architecturally and technically. And we do not lose sight of sustainability labels like BREEAM and WELL, as well as safety. But no matter how beautiful and innovative the technology is, human creativity remains indispensable in designing an innovative work environment. So our designers and builders also view the building from their own areas of expertise. In addition to the technical results, they analyze how to make the best use of the space.


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Interested in Building Consultancy? Get in touch with us!

Are you curious about what Building Consultancy from Ditt Officemakers can do for your property offerings? Then call us at 020 – 5753078 (Amsterdam) or 0546 – 633000 (Almelo). Of course, you can also email us at, or fill out our contact form.

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