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A fit-out is another term for a complete office interior. And at Ditt, this means an office interior designed to optimally facilitate the users. From a comfortable place for meetings to convenient phone booths and a cozy lunch area. We collaborate with you on the best layout and a custom ‘look and feel’ for the office.

For the best result, we first create a concept and a 3D design of the space. After that, we work on a mood board, material selection, and furniture plan. Finally, we present the budget and the schedule. We take care of everything from A to Z, resulting in a functional and motivating workplace.

We delve deeply into your needs and ambitions to fully understand them. We translate the insights we gain into a design that seamlessly aligns with them, down to the smallest details. Our goal is a design that not only meets your expectations but also surprises you. With creative, tailor-made solutions. We focus on quality, maintain a strict schedule, and closely monitor the budget. And with a dedicated project portal, you can follow the progress of your project anytime, anywhere.

Are you wondering if a fit-out by Ditt is also suitable for your office? The answer is yes! Ditt Officemakers designs and builds for any office-based organization. The important thing is to arrive at a clear plan, schedule and budget. Based on these clear frameworks, we can assist everyone. Small or large office, fixed or flexible, efficient or highly ambitious, and throughout the Netherlands. We like to make great offices and prefer to make as many people as possible happy with the results.

The office fit-out costs can vary quite a bit. For example, the quality of the building, installations, level of completion and design choices made are important. We choose this together. In close consultation, we determine the materials, type of furniture, interior design and office upholstery. This together determines the budget. Contact us quickly for more information about the costs of your project.


Have your office decorated? Get in touch with us!

Get in touch with us! Is your office ready for a new interior? Then rely on our expertise. We start with a thorough analysis of the company and its activities. Together, we then create an inspiring office space where the entire team feels at home. Call us at 020 – 5753078 (Amsterdam) or 0546 – 633000 (Almelo) or send an email to for more information. Prefer a custom quote right away? Then fill out the form below, and we will send you a suitable quote as soon as possible. Let us also elevate your office to the next level!

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